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Thais Martiniano
O programa de video-chamadas VoIP por excelência

Use Skype to connect with people around the world!

With the home office establishing itself as a new work model, programs also need to keep up with this evolution. In this way, platforms like Skype are gaining more and more space. That's why it's important to know how these programs work. And in this article is exactly what we are going to teach you!

What is the Skype platform?

This is a remote communication program, through videoconference and text. Today, it competes for the top user preference with apps like Google Meet and Zoom Cloud Meetings. With the increase in teleworking, the use of this type of platform has grown dramatically.

How does Skype work?

Skype is a platform that works through the program, where you have an access login. Then you can add your contacts via email and start chatting. Calls can be individual or collective, and have several resources for interaction between participants.

What are Skype's main tools?

Skype is a very dynamic program, with several functions that can help during your remote meetings. That way, it's very interesting that you know which ones are the best, and what to expect from this platform. Therefore, we have separated the main tools and advantages, find out how they work:

mobile calls

Another recent and very useful feature is the ability to enter Skype credits and make mobile calls. That is, through the program on the computer, you can call a landline or mobile number and talk. However, it is worth checking the rates applied for these credits, and see if it really pays off.

Function versatility

Another very nice feature of Skype is that it has several built-in functions to improve communication. In addition to the possibility of voice, video and phone calls, you also have text chats. In this way, you can chat via private messages and together.

screen sharing

Inside Skype, while you're on a call, you can share tabs, windows and even your computer screen. So you can make your meetings much more dynamic by using visuals in addition to the camera. Still, you can also use a virtual whiteboard as a form of didactic practice as well.

Integration with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft recently announced that Skype will be integrated into Microsoft Teams. This is another platform for remote work, where you can perform collaborative tasks. That's why it's excellent news for companies. Integrating Teams functionality with Skype's video conferencing capabilities can only bring even more benefits.

And what are the downsides of Skype?

In addition to the great qualities that the platform presents, we can also provide you with another point of view. There are some recurring issues with Skype that can affect how it works. Therefore, we have separated the main negative points for you to know, see which are:

Unstable Operation

Skype is also known to have a very shaky operation, especially when it comes to video calling. Therefore, freezes and freezes in video reception can be a bothersome problem. Thus, sometimes it is even necessary to redo the call to resolve these issues.

High bandwidth consumption

Excessive bandwidth usage to be able to make calls with Skype is also a reported issue. Many users claim that they cannot make calls using audio and video in less powerful bands. Therefore, if you have low quality internet, or use mobile data, this program may not work properly.

Complicated interface

Also, the Skype interface is a point that generates a lot of controversy. Despite having a very nice design, the interface is a little complicated, especially for those who are just starting out. This way, you can easily get confused while taking the first steps on the platform.

So what's our assessment of Skype?

Skype is indeed an excellent tool for remote communication, which works well for certain profiles. So if you have small types of meetings, and you need a program that is well suited for that situation, Skype could be great. In addition, you have a variety of resources to streamline these types of communications.

However, if you are looking for a platform for more frequent meetings and with more people, the situation changes. Therefore, other options such as Meet or Zoom may be more attractive. Both for the operation and for the number of people that accommodate in videoconferences, without changing the quality of the call.

And speaking of functioning, Skype has some problems that are persistent in this regard. Therefore, to use this tool it is important that you have good bandwidth. Thus, you can use without the usual screen freezes that the platform presents.

Also, if you are looking for a remote communication platform for your meetings, here at Uoldown we have more options. Therefore, you can read other articles about videoconferencing programs (inserir link). Then, just choose what you like the most, and start chatting from a distance, or even production in your home office.

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