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Windows 10

Build 10074 (64 bit)
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Build 10074 (64 bit)
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Thais Martiniano
Try the new version of Windows before its release

There is no doubt that Windows 10 has come to completely change the way we view the most famous operating system on the planet - Microsoft seems even willing to record its name in the history of computing once again with this new release.

Merging the best features of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 in one place, the company plans to create a unique OS capable of serving both desktop users and convertible device owners - that is, capable of working with or without a keyboard.

There are still a few days to go before the worldwide release of the final version of the system, but if you can't stand the anxiety to get your hands on this novelty, you can install build 10240 on your computer right now. This is Windows 10 RTM, that is, the edition that is being distributed to manufacturers to embed in their computers, tablets and other gadgets.

Around the Start menu
It would not be an exaggeration to say that the main novelty of Windows is the return of the good old Start menu, which has existed since the beginning of the operating system and was eliminated in edition 8. Not everyone liked the change, so Microsoft decided to bring it in. comes back with a completely redesigned look.

It now has the iconic minimalist design that has become popularly known as "Metro", featuring shortcuts to apps and the so famous live tiles (animated blocks that show, for example, the most important news of the day and weather forecast for your location). There is a section that separates the most used and recently installed apps, as well as shortcuts for the file explorer, OS settings and PC shutdown button.

One system for all
Another great highlight of the new Windows is its ability to adapt its own interface according to the type of device on which it is running. When you open the system notifications area, you find a button that activates the tablet mode - in it, the Start menu starts to occupy the entire display of your gadget and the UI of the OS as a whole is much more pleasant for devices with a sensitive screen. to the touch.

Edge: the successor to Internet Explorer
Windows 10 also comes with Edge (formerly Project Spartan), a new browser that Microsoft developed to replace the classic Internet Explorer. Fast, stable and easy to use, the browser has a number of new features. It allows you, for example, to take snapshots of the website you visit, scribble freehand comments and share this image with your friends without having to resort to add-ons.

Other cool features include a reading mode (which “cleans” unnecessary elements from the page to make it more comfortable) and the possibility to quickly switch between two colors for the interface (light and dark). In addition, the Edge home screen is fully customizable, displaying the websites you visit frequently and a feed with important news extracted directly from MSN.

Finally, multiple desktops!
Linux has had this feature for a long time, but Windows users have missed the possibility of creating multiple desktops and switching freely between them. Fortunately, Microsoft has decided to inaugurate such functionality in this new edition of the OS. Now, when opening Windows Flip (screen where you switch between open windows), you can click on “New Desktop” to open a new Desktop.

Meet Cortana, your virtual assistant
Cortana, a personal assistant who was born on Windows Phone, has just arrived on desktops thanks to Windows 10 - and it works in the same way that we all know. Next to the Start menu, there is a bar called “Search the web and Windows”; when you click it, you invoke the virtual desk and can search by voice or text. Searches return local (from your computer) and online (websites, news, etc.) results.

Native and exclusive apps
Get ready to find some very useful new apps in the new Windows 10. In addition to an app store with a refurbished design, you will find, for example, a new and neat GPS location app (Maps), in addition to a utility for those want to model objects in three dimensions (3D Builder).