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Thais Martiniano
Have you ever thought about being able to inform your friends about the dangers on the road? So, meet Waze, the GPS that also became a social network and conquered users!

Understand how Waze works, the navigation application that is the darling of drivers.

Discover the functionalities of this GPS social app and find out why its popularity is increasing. Although now belonging to the giant Google, Waze differs from Google Maps in some respects. Keep reading to understand more.

What is Waze?

It is a social GPS navigation application, created by an Israeli startup in 2008. Despite having been created with the intention of mapping routes and making life easier in the traffic of big cities, Waze has some differentials that conquer more and more users.

When driving with the Waze app open on your mobile phone, you can update the best routes and even send alerts to other users about traffic jams and other mishaps on the roads, such as police stoppages and accidents, for example. In this way, the application has become a great social network that serves as an alternative to overcome the difficulty of mobility in metropolises.

In addition, you can customize your profile with fun avatars that can express your mood that day. By collecting points, the user can unlock new avatars, making them evolve.

At the time of registration, the avatar is still a baby Waze, with a pacifier and all! As the user interacts with other people, issuing alerts about what is happening on the roads, that is, contributing to the improvement of the platform, his avatar can change into an adult Waze and even into Waze Rei!

Another way to accumulate points is to interact with other people who use Waze, triggering alerts and commenting on triggered alerts as well. In other words, the more you drive using the app, the more points you accumulate. And then it helps feed the app's data, thus improving the community experience.

How it works?

Purchased by Google in 2013, Waze not only feeds its own database through information from its own users, but also shares this information with Google Maps. As a result, both platforms can provide faster paths and more efficient routes.

A curiosity about Waze: the application does not use satellites. It is through high technology that accurate location information is collected through the cell phone's GPS.

When you start using the app, you allow your location information to be collected. Therefore, Waze's artificial intelligence performs the calculations to help you find the best paths with greater precision.

In this way, Waze has become a great collaboration platform, making each user responsible for adding relevant information about the city's streets and roads.

Recalculating route

Of course, when it comes to technology, there can be mistakes. And with Waze it would be no different. In 2017 and 2019, bugs were reported in the app by users in Brazil and the United States. After these episodes, those responsible for the software issued a note with apologies.

Even though misunderstandings happen, the advantages of using Waze stand out. The application is constantly evolving, increasingly improving the experience of its users.

Now that you understand a little more about how the application works, read on to learn how to use and enjoy Waze's features.

How to navigate with Waze

First, you need to download the app on your device. Waze is available for Android, iOS and Windows Phone. Easily accessible, it has many tools that give an even more versatile face to the application.

The app is very intuitive. If you want to know how to create an account on Waze and start enjoying its features, just follow this step-by-step guide we have prepared for you:

  • Open Waze;
  • Click start using Waze;
  • Accept the license agreement. To do this, just click on Accept.
  • Sign up with your Google account or another email address.

To create an account, follow these steps:

  • Tap the magnifying glass and then click Create Account.
  • Choose between registering with Facebook or with your phone number.

After making the choice, follow the commands, filling out what is requested.

Once that's done, you can edit your profile settings, changing your username and photo, if you want.

Driving with Waze

To start driving using the app, you will need to research your destination. It is possible to do this search by typing the address in the bar "Is it to where?"

As you search for a location, address suggestions appear. Select the one that matches your search or finish typing.

Then click Start to start browsing. As a result, the following screen will show details of your route, with street name, number, distance to be covered, as well as traffic information and estimated time of arrival at the destination.

Some other functions of Waze

Planning your route

With this functionality you can synchronize Waze with your calendar or Facebook events. This way, the navigation application lets you know the best time to start a trip.

Sharing routes

This function is displayed before you start a route and it gives you the option to share your route with a contact. To share the link with your route, all you need to do is choose an app and select the contact you want to share the route with.

Waze Carpool

This Waze functionality, released in 2017, allows users to share a ride, sharing travel costs. To offer rides, you need to enable this feature in your profile. And as a driver you can choose whoever wants to give a ride.

If you liked this content, read more posts to always stay on top of Waze updates.