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Thais Martiniano
Milhões de livros grátis no seu Android

Have you ever thought about writing your own books and making them available for everyone to read? By downloading Wattpad on Android you can make your plots popular. Check out how to download and the main advantages and disadvantages of downloading the app here.

What is Wattpad?

Wattpad is a platform for independent readers and writers. It works more or less like a social network for books. So, you can read content or publish your stories, as and as often as you like.

The app is organized by genre, popularity or novelty, always with a synopsis of each story. You can like, comment or favorite your favorite content, to read whenever you want.

Also, the platform has a text editor for you to write, with suggestions and tips for beginner authors. You can enter multiple contests with your stories in progress or completed.

Another super cool point is that there are some tags you can add to your book. So, they generate greater visibility for their productions, with a ranking of the most accessed within each one.

How does Wattpad work?

After downloading Wattpad for Android, you will need to create an account or log in with Google, Facebook or another email if you already have a profile. So, on the homepage there are some suggestions, organized as follows:

  • internal contests: there are several literature contests, official on the platform or from independent profiles;
  • world stories: learn titles in several languages ​​to train foreign languages;
  • suggestions for you: based on the most accessed reading style, the platform suggests other types of books;
  • ad-free: books that don't have ads between chapters and you can read freely;
  • news: main new content on the platform;
  • editor's choice: the editors of the platform choose good titles to highlight;
  • in the mouth of the people: most popular books among users, with greater engagement.

Overall, the platform has an excellent organization of content, separated by genre, author or even popularity. You can search for what you like the most, even finding fanfics of other works to enjoy.

How to download Wattpad on Android?

If you liked the platform's proposal and want to download Wattpad for Android, just click on the button at the top of the page. But don't forget to activate the option to install apps from unknown sources, so you can use the installer and have the app on your device.

For those who use other types of devices, such as tablets, it is also possible to download it here on Uoldown. Don't waste time and start following the best titles by independent authors and let the world know their stories.

    Advantages of Downloading Wattpad for Android

Discover the advantages of downloading Wattpad on Android and the best positive points that the platform has for users:

  • has online and offline reading function (not all stories);
  • reading preferences further optimize the experience;
  • possibility to choose several languages ​​to read;
  • platform in Portuguese;
  • simple and easy-to-use interface, no tutorial required;
  • variety of free books;
  • possibility of writing their own books;
  • Low app storage size.

    app cons

See also the cons that the application presents, as well as the limitations of use when downloading Wattpad on Android:

  • some stories are blocked from access without payment;
  • many limitations for users who do not subscribe to the Premium version;
  • the app features some ads between book chapters.

我們的觀點 Wattpad

For those who like literature and writing, it's definitely worth downloading Wattpad for Android and enjoying all the titles. The platform is very well organized, with several options for you to have hours of entertainment available.

The application works excellently, with no apparent bugs or flaws, with an interesting organization. In addition, suggested content based on user preferences is an extra touch to make the profile your personality.

Another very nice point is that even with the limitations, the Premium version does not have such a high value. If you don't want to subscribe, you can still buy coins to read the restricted titles, without having to pay monthly.

Even the ads that appear between the chapters are not annoying and very short. Overall, it's really worth downloading Wattpad on Android and taking the opportunity to make your ideas and plots available for the world to read.

And if you want to know more reading platforms for Android, we can give you some more amazing suggestions. So, always keep an eye on our content to discover other entertainment apps, usefulness and important tools.