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Google PLAY

30.5.18-21 [0] [PR] 447099740
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30.5.18-21 [0] [PR] 447099740
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Thais Martiniano
The best place to download movies, music and apps for Android

Do you really know Google Play?

The Google Play digital platform is an App Store, which offers several types of paid and free products, available on the internet since its launch in 2012. The tool can be used by Android cell phones and tablets, and can also be used on computers. You want to know a lot more about Google play and get some tips, so just keep reading the article.

Know Google Play?

The Google Play digital platform is a kind of online store, App Store, which offers several books, movies and applications to be downloaded for a fee or even for free. It has been available on the market since 2012, when the brands Google and Android Market joined together to offer the platform.

Google Play is the most used App Store in the world, mainly because it is a product and because it is managed by the biggest company in the virtual market, Google. Thus, the App Store becomes a great option for several companies in the virtual market to launch their products and leverage their brands.

The Google Play tool offers a lot of convenience, with a simple and easy-to-use platform. With this, you will have the best products to optimize your phone, tablet or computer.

How does the Google Play app work?

It's very easy for you to take advantage of all the advantages and facilities offered by Google Play and its tools. When you open Google Chrome or enter your webpage, in the upper right corner you will find the Google Play link between your photo and Google image.

To get started, you need to sign up for Gmail, everything can be done quickly and easily. So you can start using the best tools on the Internet and the most complete App Store.

Google Play has interesting presentation of filters that make your search easier. Direct specific buttons that direct you to products with optimized search, and even if you prefer, you can use the Google search bar. Not to mention that the first page suggests to the user the hot apps, books and movies on the market. So, in a well-organized way, you'll find everything on this Android platform.

Google Play Search Filters!

You will find at the top of the page, the general search bar. It's a quick way to find the product you want. You can also do a more accurate search on the top left side of the platform with Google Play optimization filters.

Very simply, you will select one of the three search buttons, Apps (green), Movies (red) or Books (blue). Thus, you'll find results only from the chosen category, suggestions for Android products on the rise and releases, and also stay on top of similar products.

The products have evaluation stars made by their users, and can reach the maximum quality level, five stars. The platform also has comment fields for its users evaluating their purchased products. These two evaluations will help you a lot when purchasing a product and not regret it, especially if it's not free.

Google Play is a tool that works with a programming of algorithms that analyze all your Google searches and turn them into results according to a profile specially designed to serve you.

Google Play in-app purchases!

As for paid products, you can make purchases using a credit card or Gifs Card, which are platform credit tickets available in stores and markets.

It works like a prepaid card, Gifs Cards have products of different values, and what you pay for them becomes products of the same value.

With respect to all your Google Play transactions, you can see in your "Account'', in the left corner of the platform, all products purchased as in a bank history. You can see in "Payment methods" the balance you have of Gifs cards Google Play and the credit cards that are registered.

In “Redeem”, you enter the promotional code of the purchased Gifs Cards that will become credits for purchases of products on the platform. You can “Buy Gift Vouchers”, the Gifs Cards, on the Google Play platform with your registered credit card.

You will have at your disposal a very cool tool to not let you forget the products you want to buy in the future. In "My wish list", you save that desired product, and when it's all right to purchase, you save a lot of time without having to do the research again. The platform has a list of records, "My activities play", where it shows your researched, purchased and downloaded products.

Google Play allows its users to have a smart experience, which makes it ideal for family control. In the tab “Guide for family”, you will have account settings options for the whole family and child account supervision.

What is the app's rating?

Google Play is the most used App Store in the world, and this is also a result of being a product of one of the largest internet providers in the world. Thus, the platform becomes practically unanimous in use, mainly due to its business partnership with Android Market, present in most cell phones and tablets.

The tool offers all the virtual security of Google products and services, keeping you protected from malicious products and possible purchases that may pose risks. Thus, the most used App Store tool in the world is developed to serve better and better, always attentive to the needs of users and what technology develops.